Friday, November 7, 2014

A Night by the Fire

I sit by the side and watch the flames dance.

The slightest breeze blows his breath against the trees making the leaves shiver. The night is pleasant. Peaceful. The sun goes to bed, but before she does she gives the most beautiful smile for all to stand and admire in awe. 

She falls asleep and her sister, Luna, awakes to smile her own smile. I look up and the stars accent the sky making the world seem bigger, brighter, and more beautiful.

The crickets sing their song and the mosquito's search for a little midnight snack. Time passes but no one notices. We are too busy not worrying and enjoying each other's company while listening to the fire crackle and pop. Suddenly reality hist when the lightening makes his show in the sky. The breeze blows harder making Jack Frost happier;then we hear it. The drums of thunder making his own appearance on the stage.

The fire cries as we turn off the flame. We rush inside as the sky begins to shed her tears. Inside I curl up in my bed and fall asleep listening to the lullaby of the rain. 

1 comment:

  1. The slightest breeze blows his breath against the trees making the leaves shiver.

    This is geniosly done, I love how it's written.
